"Nothing Suits Me Like a Suit"! LOVE IT! (But the second last episode really pissed me off: well, Stella and Tony deserve each other, I guess.)
真的越来越爱拉肖小哥了会写会导会演长得还帅看他的片子几乎没有踩雷的部部都能get到笑点尤其是这部能把这么一个故事处理的好笑且不糟心节奏舒服还能落脚温情圆满结局娘家的故事真的厉害半伪纪录片式的叙事在这里也格外合适 (虽然现实中我要是有男主这群朋友恐怕会气的和他们当场绝交)
Wasn't really sure how this film really got made especially with all the patient privacy stuff and also the censorship didn't hit? I'm proud that this god made because it definitely shows all the extremes of good and bad, happiness, anger, sadness, and fear. The system makes it hard for the poor, the lack of education makes it difficult for parents to make moral judgments, and the rural area really needs to start devaluing sons because it's at the expense of their daughters and family finances.